Som vanligt valde jag lack två minuter efter att jag borde åkt till jobbet, så det blev såhär:

Inte helt fy skam ändå. Det glittrar stillsamt under elljus och indirekt belysning och torkade imponerande fort med tanke på att det är sju lager lack allt som allt(underlack+3xOPI+2xORLY+överlack).
Another one of those "maybe I should bring nail supplies to work since I'll most likely be bored out of my mind by 5 pm(evening shifts are s-l-o-o-w)" I decide on right before I need to leave for work. Perhaps a haphazard combo but one I wound up liking a lot, and which dried impressively fast considering it's seven coats thick. Prisma Gloss-both the gold and the silver variety-is really good on top of almost anything. Just be sure to shake the bottle well or it's just a clear base with some prismatic debris at the bottom.
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