Eftersom gårdagens lack inte var nån större succé på egen hand greppade jag raskt min flaska med MNY nr 265 och öste på ett lager ovanpå hela härligheten...if in doubt, add glitter... :P
Det blev kanske inte nån enorm skillnad men känns helt klart roligare än den tradiga rödbetsfärgen som var utgångspunkten.

diskret glitter, men det funkar...
If a mani doesn't turn out the way you want you can always try layering the crap out of it, no? I'd actually planned to try this combo for a while and since the Guppy didn't live up to my decidedly low expectations, out came the tiny-glittered 265! Base color of this polish is somewhat similar and on top of #20 it almost disappears, leaving an impression of deepened color(which is good). One rather thick coat here. Adds some interest in sun or low lights, but nothing spectacular. Definitely like this better than the Guppy on its own though!
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